Future and Past Conferences
DGSKA2025 Un/Commoning Anthropology
CESS 2025
Northwestern University
RAI Film Conference 2025
a virtual format
Metascience 2025
University College London
DSA2025: Navigating crisis: dangers and opportunities in development
University of Bath
SIEF2025: Unwriting
Aberdeen, Scotland
ASA2025: Critical Junctions: Anthropology on the Move
Birmingham, UK
VAD2024 Reconfigurations in Africa - and in African Studies
University of Bayreuth
Crises, Capabilities and Commitment
Kolkata, India
CESS Fall 2024
Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Citizenship
International Creative Research Methods Conference 2024
The Studio, Manchester
World Congress of Environmental History
University of Oulu, Finland
EASA2024: Doing and Undoing with Anthropology
Barcelona, Catalonia
EASST-4S 2024 Amsterdam: Making and Doing Transformations
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
DSA2024: Social justice and development in a polarising world
SOAS University of London
RAI2024: Anthropology and Education
Senate House, London
CESS 2024
Turan University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Peace, conflict, and security in times of existential crises
Marburg, Germany
CESS 2023
The University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
International Creative Research Methods Conference 2023
The Studio, Manchester
EASR2023: Religions and Technologies
EAJS2023: 17th International Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies
Ghent, Belgium
DSA2023: Crisis in the Anthropocene: rethinking connection and agency for development
University of Reading
SIEF2023: Living Uncertainty
Brno, Czech Republic
ECAS2023: African Futures
ASA2023: An unwell world? Anthropology in a speculative mode
London, UK
RAI Film Conference 2023
a virtual format
AAS2022: Life support
Deakin University, Melbourne
CESS 2022
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons
Belfast, Northern Ireland
DSA2022: Just sustainable futures in an urbanising and mobile world
an Online conference hosted by UCL
CESS Tashkent 2022
University of World Economy & Diplomacy, Tashkent
RE:22 Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference
Reykjavik, Iceland
Freiburg University
RAI2022: Anthropology, AI and the Future of Human Society
a virtual format
a virtual environment
RAIMed2022: Mobilising Methods in Medical Anthropology
a virtual format
virtual environment
RAI2021: Anthropology and Conservation
a virtual format
CESS Annual 2021
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
EAJS2021: 16th International Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies
a virtual environment
DSA2021: Unsettling Development
an Online conference hosted by UEA
SIEF2021: Breaking the Rules: Power, Participation, Transgression
Helsinki, Finland
W10CAL: 10th World Congress of African Linguistics
a virtual environment
SPA2021: Interrogating Inequalities
virtual environment
ASA2021: Responsibility
a virtual environment
RAI Film Conference 2021
a virtual format
Africa Knows! It is time to decolonise the minds
a virtual environment
CESS Week 2020
virtual environment
RAI2020: Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future
a virtual format
ASA2020: How to Live Through a Pandemic
EASA2020: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe
a virtual environment
CESS Regional 2020
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
DSA2020: New Leadership for Global Challenges
a virtual platform
AAS2019: Values in Anthropology, Values of Anthropology
CESS 2019
George Washington University, Washington, DC
ASA19: Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges
Norwich, UK
CHAM2019: Innovation, Invention and Memory in Africa
DSA2019: Opening up Development
Open University, Milton Keynes
ECAS 2019 Africa: Connections and Disruptions
SIEF2019: Track Changes: Reflecting on a Transforming World
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
AAS2018: Life in an age of death
CESS 2018
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
ASA2018: Sociality, matter, and the imagination: re-creating Anthropology
EASA2018: Staying, Moving, Settling
EASST2018: Meetings: Making Science, Technology and Society Together
DSA2018: Global inequalities
Test conference
RAI2018: Art, Materiality and Representation
British Museum, London
Shifting States
DSA2017: Sustainability Interrogated: Societies, Growth, and Social Justice
University of Bradford
CHAM2017 Oceans and shores: heritage, people and environments
ECAS7: 7th European Conference on African Studies
Basel, Switzerland
CASCA/IUAES2017: Mo(u)vement
SIEF2017: Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft - Creativity
Göttingen, Germany
DSA2016: Politics in Development
Examination Schools, University of Oxford
4S/EASST 2016 conference: Science and technology by other means
ECSAS2016: 24th European Conference on South Asian Studies
EASA2016: Anthropological legacies and human futures
University of Milano-Bicocca
ASA2016: Footprints and futures: the time of anthropology
Durham University
RAI2016: Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change
British Museum, London
AAS2015: Moral Horizons
University of Melbourne
MAGic2015: Anthropology and Global Health: interrogating theory, policy and practice
University of Sussex
CHAM2015: Knowledge transfer and cultural exchanges
EurASEAA15: 15th International Conference of the European Assn of Southeast Asian Archaeologists
SIEF2015: Utopias, Realities, Heritages: Ethnographies for the 21st century
Zagreb, Croatia
ASA15: Symbiotic anthropologies: theoretical commensalities and methodological mutualisms
EASST2014: Situating Solidarities: social challenges for science and technology studies
Torun, Poland
EASA2014: Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution
University of Tallinn, Estonia
ECSAS2014: 23rd European Conference on South Asian Studies
ASA2014: Anthropology and Enlightenment
RAI2014: Anthropology and Photography
British Museum, London
IUAES2014 inter-congress: the future with/of anthropologies
Chiba City, Greater Tokyo
SLAS2014: 50th anniversary conference
Birkbeck, University of London
APA2013: V Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia
Vila Real, Portugal
IUAES2013 World Congress: Evolving humanity, emerging worlds
Manchester, UK
CHAM conference - Colonial (mis)understandings
Lisbon, Portugal
SIEF2013: Circulation
Tartu, Estonia
ECAS2013: African dynamics in a multipolar world
ISCTE, Lisbon
SLAS2013: annual conference
University of Manchester
ECSAS2012: 22nd European conference on South Asian studies
ISCTE, Lisbon
EASA2012: Uncertainty and disquiet
Nanterre University, France
RAI2012: Anthropology in the World
British Museum, London
ASA12: Arts and aesthetics in a globalising world
New Delhi
ASA11: Vital powers and politics: human interactions with living things
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
SIEF2011: People make places
TAG 2010 (32nd annual meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group)
University of Bristol
EASA2010: Crisis and imagination
ASA10: The Interview - theory, practice, society
Queen's University, Belfast
Seeking Refuge: caught between bureaucracy, lawyers and public indifference
SOAS, London, UK
ASA09: Anthropological and archaeological imaginations: past, present and future
Bristol, UK
ASA08: Ownership and appropriation
ASAUK08: The Presence of the Past? Africa in the 21st Century
University of Central Lancashire
EASA08: Experiencing diversity and mutuality
ASA07: Thinking through tourism
London Metropolitan University
EASA06: Europe and the world
Bristol, UK
ASAUK06 Biennial conference
SOAS, London