Shindig on a small screen
While we strongly recommend attending conferences using a computer, it is possible to participate in a Shindig using the mobile app (available on both Android and iOS). This visual guide aims to acquaint you with app experience. Please note that you cannot administer a Shindig/panel using the app.
1. Logging in
1a. When you open the Shindig app after installing it on your mobile device you will find a screen similar to this and the option to search by name for the event you wish to go to.
1b. Once you select the event, click Join Event and you will need to enter your name, email address and institution. Clicking an event link on a web page should open the app and bring you to this screen. (If not you will need to search for the event name within the app.)
2. Room views
2. Upon entry to an event ahead of the start time, you will see the background image and perhaps a welcome slide with the title of the event displayed. In the bottom left corner are orange buttons to useful links. The number of people in the room is indicated as “n Participants” at the bottom of your screen.
3. Asking questions
6. Questions published by the room admin are displayed at the top of the mobile screen (along with the name of the person asking the question) for a few seconds before disappearing.
7a. Tapping the hand icon in the bottom left corner brings up the question submission box. Questions are submitted to the room admins who can publish them to the whole room. You can also raise your hand on this screen, indicating to admins that you wish to ask a verbal question on stage.
7b. On submitting a question, you can indicate if you would like to be brought on the stage to ask it.
4. Chat
4. Chat 8a. Tap the participants icon in the bottom right to display thumbnails of all other participants in the room. If you have unread chat messages, an orange number is displayed next to participants icon in the bottom right and next to the sender’s thumbnail (Kristjan in this image). The thumbnails also indicate if someone is on a mobile device or not.
8b. Tapping ‘My view chat’ at the top of the screen displays the group chat for the whole room, where you can write messages to everyone there (admins also see these messages).
9a. To chat to someone privately, tap their thumbnail and at the screen displayed here, are options to send a private text message or to start a private video chat.
9b. Here you see the view of a private text chat with another participant.
5. Video chat
10a. On starting a private video chat with another participant, this view appears and after a few seconds the video should connect. A tip at the top of the screen allows you to mute the stage/ presentation so as to better hear your private video chat.
10b. Here you see a successful private video chat connection. The four buttons along the top, (from L to R) are: exit video chat, add participant to this video chat, mute yourself, mute/adjust the volume of the stage/ presentation.
10c. On exiting a video chat you are asked to confirm your wish to do this.
6. Joining an open podium
11a. Here you see an open podium placed by the room admin: anyone can click the ‘Join Podium’ button to go on stage and be visible and audible to the room.
11b. When on an open podium you see yourself and a ‘Leave’ button overlying your image which you can tap to leave the stage and return to the audience.
11c. On tapping to leave the podium, you are asked to confirm. Here you also see a notification at the top of the screen when other participants take a podium on the stage.
7. Device settings
12a. If you need to change your camera or microphone settings on your mobile device navigate to your phone settings. Android: click Settings and this screen appears, where you must select ‘Apps and Notifications’.
12b. At the next screen select ;Permissions’.
12c. On the permissions screen, you can first select Camera
12d. The camera permissions screen indicates if your camera is given permission for each app on your phone - check the permission is set as you want it for Shindig.
13a. iPad: click General settings and scroll down to the Shindig app. Selecting that shows whether camera and microphone are allowed access on the right hand side.
13b. iPhone: click Settings and select Shindig.
13c. Ensure camera and microphone are allowed access by Shindig.