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Gender Inequality and Climate Change in the Global South 
M Niaz Asadullah (Monash University Malaysia)
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Sajeda Amin (Population Council)
Meghie Rodrigues (State University of Campinas)
Gabriela Fernando (Monash University Indonesia)
Edith Morley 301
Friday 30 June, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

The proposed panel will comprise invited academic presentations which will be discussed in a roundtable format. The panelists (journalists/academics/policy colleagues) will deliberate on the social costs/challenges of climate change with a focus on child marriage / violence against women.

Long Abstract:

Climate change is economically and ecologically costly for countries in the Global South. While the related adverse effects of extreme weather events and global warming are sufficiently documented and well debated, social consequences of climate induced natural disasters have received relatively less attention. Many of the climate vulnerable countries in developing Asia (e.g. Bangladesh, India and Pakistan) have poor gender statistics -- women and female adolescents already face unequal life chances because of a variety of restrictive social and cultural norms. Whether and how these restrictions interact with climate shocks are not fully understood. Past research confirms that households discriminate against female members in times of economic crisis as part of the coping strategy. However, the nature of behavioural response and coping strategy differ depending on the nature of the shock (e.g. cyclones, floods, earthquakes, drought, river erosion and so on), geography (coastal vs interior settlements), and the underlying socio-cultural settings (e.g. the custom of dowry vs bride price). Moreover, the gendered consequences of climate shocks are multidimensional ranging from increased risk of child marriage, reduced human capital investment in daughters and violence against women and members of from gender minorities.

Lastly, available findings differ in terms of methodological approach and data. It is in this context that we propose an asynchronous panel comprising pre-recorded presentations which will be discussed in a “roundtable panel” format. The paper authors aside, the panelist will comprise journalists, invited academic discussants and/or policy colleagues working on climate related issues.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Friday 30 June, 2023, -
Panel Video visible to paid-up delegates