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First Name Last Name Institution Roles []
Lissant Bolton (British Museum) Plenary Chair in A04   Messenger
Cara Krmpotich (University of Toronto) Panel Chair in P26   Messenger
Premananda Panda (SCSTRTI) Panel Chair in P36   Messenger
Virginia Bond (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) Panel Chair in P22   Messenger
Giovanna Guslini (Formerly of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) Panel Chair in P38   Messenger
Yi-Cheng Wu (Mackay Medical College) Panel Chair in P29   Messenger
Jenelle Reeves (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Panel Chair in P09   Messenger
William Tantam (University of Bristol) Panel Chair in P43   Messenger
Shan-Estelle Brown (Rollins College) Panel Chair in P43   Messenger
Mohammad Pedda Hothur (Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad, India) Panel Chair in P13   Messenger