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The future of finance in Africa: imaginaries, social hierarchies, moralities, and (dis)connections 
Tijo Salverda (University of Vienna)
Nikkie Wiegink (Utrecht University)
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Anthropology (x) Inequality (y)
Neues Seminargebäude, Seminarraum 11
Saturday 3 June, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Berlin

Short Abstract:

In this panel we want to explore the various (temporal) dimensions shaping the trajectories of resource extraction by looking at 'finance encounters' that bring together different actors (companies, state actors, etc), different interests, and different moralities, imaginaries and expectations.

Long Abstract:

Tropes such as 'Africa rising' and 'African resource frontiers' are imaginaries of futures that are deeply connected to the global financial sector. These tropes should also be situated in long standing extractivist patterns of international corporations and investors that see African locations as primary sites of resource extraction from which in most instances local populations profit only marginally. In this panel we want to explore the imaginaries, social hierarchies, moralities, and (dis)connections that the financial sector produces in relation to African contexts and what future developments in finance may look like. We propose to take a closer look at the various (temporal) dimensions shaping the trajectories of resource extraction by looking at 'finance encounters' that bring together different actors (investors, state actors, companies, local populations, NGOs and so on), different interests, and different moralities, imaginaries and expectations. We look for papers from different disciplines and addressing different contexts that address (but are not limited to) topics such as: future-oriented trends and imaginaries of finance (e.g. sustainable, green finance, development corridors); (contestations of) the discursive and moral construction of business climates; and the ethnography of and in financial institutions.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Saturday 3 June, 2023, -
Session 2 Saturday 3 June, 2023, -