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Accepted Paper:

Migration and post socialist agrarian transformations: Kyrgyzstan comparative analyses.  
Asel Murzakulova (University of Central Asia)

Paper short abstract:

The paper show that migration effects on agrarian transformation in Kyrgyzstan are diverse and socio-ecological contexts should be considered as important framework to understand these diversity of the outcomes.

Paper long abstract:

This paper compares and analyzes the migration and agrarian change in the diverse settings of mountainous agro-ecological areas of post-socialist Kyrgyzstan. Given the complexity of mobility and country environmental diversity, this paper explores the transformative pathways which migration has on agricultural transformations in different agro-ecological areas of Kyrgyzstan. Instead of simplifying narrative about dominated effects of migration on agriculture we are showing diversity of pathways. Our study enriches understanding of impact of migration on agrarian transformations in post-socialist context and call to consider regional diversity as an important imperative in formulating migration and agrarian policies. Research findings help to define regional migration profiles and elaborate agrarian change after de-collectivization reforms.

Panel P68
Reproductive, transformative or none? The role of labour out-migration in agrarian and rural change in Morocco, Ethiopia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Thailand and China
  Session 2 Wednesday 28 June, 2023, -