Paper short abstract:
Lisbon is the 2017 Capital of Iberian-american Culture. In this context, we analise and compare different and complementary aspects of urban & architectural items, regarding 22 chosen iberian-american cities towards Lisbon. Those cities are selected among the different geographical-cultural areas involved.
Paper long abstract:
In 2017 Lisbon is the elected "Capital of Iberian american culture".
22 different iberian american cities will be selected, among the different geographical-cultural areas involved (Mexico, South America, Brazil, Caribean, Iberia, Atlantic Islands), and will be characterized and presented (historical background, population, area and developement and cultural aspects, etc).
Each one of those 22 cities will then be compared with the city of Lisbon, regarding a selected system of geo-historical, urban and architectural concepts.
22 different images of each one of those 22 cities will be analised regarding the city of Lisbon: themes as the urban fabric, the main squares and monuments of those cities (their churches, palaces and fortifications, civic and domestic buildings); urban modern and contemporary architecture will also be presented and studied. The methodology will include a selected series of urban-architectural typologies, allowing the comparision case to case, example to example.