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Writing and unwriting territories: participative, multimedia, and alternative methodologies 
Tobias Boos (Free University Bolzano-Bozen)
Dorothy Louise Zinn (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
Daniela Salvucci (Free University of Bolzano-Bozen)
Eleonora Mastropietro (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale)
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Short Abstract:

This panel calls for “unwriting” and “rewriting” territories as an opportunity to discuss alternative methodologies that promote participative, multimedia, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary understandings, narrations and critical writings of inhabited territories.

Long Abstract:

How to “write” territories avoiding both objectifying reality and reproducing current stereotypes connected to both idealized self-representation as well as to external misrepresentation of “the other”? Who is entitled to produce a narrative on places and their inhabitants? How could we, as researchers, propose an understanding of specific locations and their sociocultural dynamics, starting from the inhabitants’ perceptions, but also contributing with our own independent and creative point of view?

This panel calls for “unwriting” and “rewriting” territories as an opportunity to discuss alternative methodologies that promote participative, multimedia, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary understandings, narrations, and critical writings of inhabited territories. It fosters a dialogue among ethnology, folklore, anthropology, geography, art, visual, and performative disciplines about the possibility of unwriting and rewriting in a different way the places that we all dwell in.

We take inspiration from those methodologies that attempt to produce unconventional and multimedia “writings” of inhabited territories, such as the deep mapping-method. This is a relatively “anarchic” practice based on collaboration between insiders and outsiders, beyond any hierarchy between experts and non, putting together inhabitants, scholars, and free-lance artists to rewrite places by unwriting preconstructed narratives as well as pejorative and stereotyped representations. We especially focus on those places that are often portrayed as “marginal,” “ugly,” or uninteresting, but also on those usually and uncritically described as “untouched,” or “idyllic,” or even “exotic.” We are eager to discuss with colleagues and practitioners interested in participative, multimedia, and multidisciplinary alternative methodologies to unwrite and critically rewrite territories.

Accepted papers:

Session 1
Session 2