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Accepted Paper:

Deep Mapping Places: Artistic-Academic Short Residences at “Peripheral” Areas  
Tobias Boos (Free University Bolzano-Bozen) Daniela Salvucci (Free University of Bolzano-Bozen) Eleonora Mastropietro (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale) Dorothy Louise Zinn (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)

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Paper Short Abstract:

We propose the method of the “deep map” as an artistic-academic approach that initiates a dialogue among the local population about their relationship with the place they inhabit. The method intends to minimise hierarchical structures and promises to blur the boundaries between science and art.

Paper Abstract:

The contribution presents methodological thoughts and first results of our research carried out in the municipalities of Jovençan (2019), in the Alpine Valley Valle d’Aosta, Oppido Lucano (2022), a village of Basilicata, and Porto Tolle (2024), a municipality in the Delta del Po area, all in Italy. The researchers propose the method of the “deep map” as an artistic-academic approach that initiates a dialogue among the local population about their relationship with the place where they live and, in the process, about their future social, cultural, and economic development. The deep map method promises to blur the boundaries between science and art as well as between experts and the local population and intends to avoid hierarchical structures inside the research team.

In our contribution we present the results of our three deep mapping initiatives in which our research team, composed of scientists and artists, took residence in the municipalities for a week. Our experiences indicate that the meticulous preparation of taking residence and the shortness—about one week—of the stay triggered spontaneity and situational engagements between people and the landscape. During the stay, a process of place-specific reflection emerged among the population and the members of the research team, which can provide the local communities with a space for dialogue for the formulation of their communal future.

Panel Meth07
Writing and unwriting territories: participative, multimedia, and alternative methodologies
  Session 1