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A power play between digital methods and data [WG: Digital Ethnology and Folklore] 
Evelina Liliequist (Umeå University)
Katalin Vargha (HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities)
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Evelina Liliequist (Umeå University)
Katalin Vargha (HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities)
Open for transfers

Short Abstract:

The panel addresses the methodological challenges of collecting and managing digital data, from planning to research implementation and subsequent data management. It aims to address the volatility of digital data, the positionality of the researcher, and several other ethical and technical issues.

Long Abstract:

This panel addresses the methodological challenges of collecting and managing digital data, covering the whole process from planning to implementing the research and managing the data afterwards. Besides the classical problems of finding the relevant data and efficient ways of collecting it, researchers need to adjust their methods to the affordances of the digital media; also be aware of the pitfalls including ethical and technical ones. The inherent ephemerality of digital data—its propensity to change, be rewritten, or disappear—demands heightened awareness and adaptability. Furthermore, the availability of data raises critical questions about the researcher’s own perspective, positionality, and modes of presence, also about how data may be perceived by the public. The panel, brought together by the DEF working group, aims to explore these multifaceted challenges as well as to discuss strategies for effectively navigating the evolving landscape of digital research.

Suggested examples of topics:

- Navigating ethical challenges of collecting, using and storing digital data;

- The implications and possibilities of AI and algorithms as part of the research process;

- Methodological challenges raised by the volatility of digital data, including the momentariness of interactions and events that the researcher wishes to capture;

- Strategies to deal with digital data (including data preservation, archiving and data loss management);

- Methodological insights from previous digital ethnographies as a guide to future digital landscape and the methodological challenges and opportunities that may come;

- Need for support systems (infrastructures, training, networks) for researchers to access and process laborious, multimodal data.

Accepted papers:

Session 1
Session 2