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Accepted Paper:

Understanding Thoughts and Feelings: Decoding Meanings in Social Media  
İpek Özer (Işık University)

Paper Short Abstract:

This study focuses on understanding memorability of space and temporary installations with qualitative analysis method. In order to found out the degree of memorability, visitors’ comments on social media and internet were gathered and subject to content analysis.

Paper Abstract:

Using social media platforms and reviews on internet in order to gather information is a method that is emerged in the technology era which we live in. Thanks to the developments in technology, researchers are not only limited to their near environment; they can make researches in different parts of the world. Also, social media may be seen as a pool of thoughts. Researchers might take the thoughts that are relevant to their research topic form that pool and use them as research materials. This is a way to “unwrite” the traditional methods used especially in social sciences such as surveys and interviews. On the other hand, using social media and internet as the only data pool in a research can be tricky and it can cause some questions such as is it possible to access the data over and over again, do the accessible comments limit the researcher and what is the reliability of the obtained data. This study aims to understand what people think about spaces and temporary installations in museum and the degree of memorability with the help of comments on social media and internet. Collected comments were analysed with MAXQDA 2020 Analytic Pro and the words that were helpful to decode meanings and shape an understanding about people’s thoughts and feelings were selected. Also, a literature review was conducted to find out the factors that are affecting the memorability. As a result, the factors defined from literature review overlapped with selected words from comments.

Panel Meth06
A power play between digital methods and data [WG: Digital Ethnology and Folklore]
  Session 2