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Shifting knowledge in times of uncertainty – mediating ethnological interpretations to young people 
Nikola Noelle (University of Wuerzburg)
Inga Wilke (University of Freiburg)
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Gergana Nenova (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski)
Rasa Račiūnaitė-Paužuolienė (Vytautas Magnus University)
Filip Herza (Institute of Ethnology - Czech Academy of Sciences)
Inga Wilke (University of Freiburg)
Nikola Noelle (University of Wuerzburg)
Knowledge Production
Thursday 8 June, -
Time zone: Europe/Prague

Short Abstract:

Young people are affected by multiple disruptions. For these uncertain times ethnology offers insights that are highly relevant to society. The panel and roundtable will focus on ethnological knowledge transfer and formats of science communication to address young people through digital media.

Long Abstract:

Young people build their belief in the world and their ideas of how they want to live in it through school, friends and family – and increasingly through digital and social media. As their ways of appropriating the world are marked by transitions in educational and societal life, this can be an experience of uncertainty. In addition to that, current crises are having a huge impact on young people as the world is getting more differentiated and complex.

Cultural anthropologists and ethnographers analyse how actors experience differences, instabilities, and disruptions, and how they develop strategies to deal with these challenges in their everyday lives – also with a focus on practises of adopting digital media. But while offering multiple interpretations of dealing with uncertainty, the knowledge potential of the ethnological disciplines too often stays within institutions, and is mostly just shared in academic discourses.

In the panel and the following roundtable discussion we would like to address the question of how anthropological and ethnological ways of seeing and interpreting could be conveyed to young people. What are the benefits but also the problems of getting more involved in science communication about uncertainties from our disciplines’ perspective? Through which medial practises can we open the dialogue, and how can we dismantle academic and knowledge barriers? Drawing from our own experiences in a filming-project with students as target audience, we invite you to share ideas, methods and experiences from research projects and projects of science communication.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Thursday 8 June, 2023, -