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Mediating affect in the world of uncertainties 
Jenni Rinne (University of Oulu)
Pia Olsson (University of Helsinki)
Tiina Suopajärvi (University of Oulu)
Maryam Adjam (Uppsala University)
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Bodies, Affects, Senses, Emotions
Thursday 8 June, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Prague

Short Abstract:

In this panel we focus on different kinds of methodologies of recognising, reading and representing affect throughout the research process. We experiment and challenge the accustomed in order to find new ways of mediating affect as well as discuss the prospects and limitations of studying affect.

Long Abstract:

Uncertainty in its many forms can cause a variation of reactions and affective practices. As ethnologists and folklorists studying emotions, our research material is often composed of verbalized descriptions and the narrative leads of cultural and discursive patterns of affect (Wetherell 2012). However, affective experiences can also be difficult to express verbally, and thus there are uncertainties in interpretations. This means that sometimes we need to read between the lines or explore experimental and creative methods in order to grasp the affective patterns as comprehensively as possible, and to incorporate e.g. the embodied and sensorial into our research.

In this panel, we want to contribute to the methodological discussion of studying affect. The focus has been on defining affect theoretically and aiming to understand how affect, emotions and the embodied feelings are part of our thinking, choices and everyday actions. We want to now focus on studying and analyzing affect by asking how to mediate the affective patterns and practices throughout the research process: from the affective experiences into research material, and from research material into a research-based narration?

We invite papers as well as experimental ways of presenting on topics that deal with different kinds of methods of recognising, reading and representing affective practices throughout the research process. You are welcome to experiment and challenge the accustomed in order to find new ways of mediating affect and/or to join us to discuss the prospects and potential limitations of studying affect within cultural studies.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Thursday 8 June, 2023, -
Session 2 Thursday 8 June, 2023, -