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Paper short abstract:
In the paper, the author explains
the emergence of ordinary affects during the breakup of Yugoslavia.
He shows that the ordinary affects were unfolding amid social anomie created
by the collapse of the Yugoslav state and the processes of ethnicization on the
subnational level.
Paper long abstract:
In the paper, based on the analysis of ethnographic material, the author explains
the emergence of ordinary affects during the breakup of Yugoslavia.
He shows that the ordinary affects were unfolding amid social anomie created
by the collapse of the Yugoslav state and the processes of ethnicization on the
subnational level. One of the striking features of the processes of ethnicization
was targeted violence against civilians or democratization of violence on
a subnational level. To help understand the emergence of affective afflictions,
the author supplements theories of cultural trauma and ethnicization with the
concepts of situation and crisis embedded in the ordinary. Furthermore, he argues
that this small theoretical supplement can help understand the persistence
and unusually high presence of war rhetoric in some post-Yugoslav states.