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Changing features? Performing the self in digital culture [SIEF WG Digital Ethnology and Folklore] [P+R] 
Fatma Sagir (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
Robert Glenn Rob Howard (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
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Roundtables Workshops
Aula 30
Tuesday 16 April, -, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Madrid

Short Abstract:

With the emergence of the selfie and other digital opportunities to upload images and videos of oneself, the performativity of the self is in transformation. This panel will explore the digital self in everyday life as the locus for the dynamic interactions between technology, users, and audience.

Long Abstract:

Long before the emergence of Instagram and YouTube as digital platforms for self-presentation and 'self-re-presentation' (Thumim 2015), Sherry Turkle's The Second Self (1984) explored the question how computers and technology change our view of ourselves by recognizing computers had begun shape our social lives. Today, not only our attitude towards technology in our everyday lives seems to be profoundly changed but also our understanding and the presentation of ourselves in digital culture is shifting.

From soup to spa, digital culture shares everything of everyday life. Objects, spaces and people are constantly being documented. Through these practices, a huge global market has emerged. Digital culture offers a space to position the user's image, to arrange elements of everyday life as if props for the performance of selves. Erving Goffman's ideas on the presentation of the self derive from the world of theatre, where stage, actor and performance emerge inseparably together. Taking perspective to the digital age emphasises the dynamics between technology, users, and audience.

This panel seek to explore questions such as:

-What does the constant documentation of everyday life do to the self?

-Are private lives different from public lives, when the private is made public through "broadcasting" from spaces that are generally considered private, such as the bedroom?

-How does the digital in digital culture support these exposures of the self?

We invite paper presentations (15-20 min) from different fields and disciplines. We are open to a variety of methods, theoretical approaches and topics.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Tuesday 16 April, 2019, -