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Mobilities and marginalities 
Katrín Anna Lund (University of Iceland)
Patrick Laviolette (FF, MUNI, Masaryk Univ.)
Lossi 3, 425
Start time:
2 July, 2013 at
Time zone: Europe/Tallinn
Session slots:

Short Abstract:

This panel explores how being marginal and senses of belonging are simultaneously integrated in mobilities by examining various types of movements in a heterogeneous mobile world of moving bodies and materials.

Long Abstract:

This panel explores how being marginal and senses of belonging are simultaneously integrated in mobilities. Being on the move is itself circulatory. Occasionally chaotic, it entails complex social relations with other moving bodies (and materials) travelling in the same, divergent or even opposite directions, at various speeds and rhythms, for different, related and unrelated, purposes. In a heterogeneous mobile world, motions and socialities are constantly being negotiated through mobile encounters which can provide a sense of alienation. Mobility, however, is also about being and becoming. At the same time that one may sense disorientation whilst on the move, this state (or modality) is also about placing oneself in the world. The routes people travel are thus narrated and established as places in themselves. Hence, at the same time that travelling is used as a strategy to connect people with places and measure them up against their surroundings, it can simultaneously act as a disconnect - shaping borders which sometimes need to be crossed but that (as boundaries) cannot always be breached, increasing a sense of marginality. In framing these negotiatory processes, this panel's papers shall examine various types of movements in different contexts. Whilst some address the motif of the lone, wandering traveller, others touch upon issues such as group migrancy, nomadism and transient researchers. By considering the routes themselves and the narratives they contain, the materialities of travel will equally feature as an analytical category.

Accepted papers:

Session 1