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Accepted Paper:

Global Christian network, cross-border evangelism and nationalism among the Naga of northeast India  
Vibha Joshi (University of Oxford)

Paper short abstract:

The paper will explore global religious networks, cross-border connections and how these are related to the Christian identity and nationalism among the Naga of northeast India.

Paper long abstract:

The paper will explore the global network of Christianity, cross border evangelistic mission and nationalism among the Naga of northeastern India. Christianity was introduced in the (erstwhile) Naga Hills by the American Baptist Missionaries in the late nineteenth century. Presently Christianity is regarded by the Nagas themselves as a feature which distinguishes them from neighbouring Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist populations. The slogan 'Nagaland for Christ' by Naga nationalists in recent years further promotes this identity and seeks global support. The Indian state of Nagaland is projected as a Christian state with English as its state language.

The Naga Baptist have set up Nagaland Missionary Movement (NMM), a denominational Mission organization under the NBCC, with a goal of sending 100,000 Naga evangelists to spread the 'word of Christ' in all parts of the world. NMM have missionaries in many parts of India and outside India in Nepal, Cambodia, Thailand, and Burma. In recent years Naga missionaries are being trained by Korean evangelical missions and are being sponsored as evangelists to neighbouring states in India as well as across the border in Burma, Thailand and China.

Panel P228
Religion: dynamics on the move
  Session 1