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Accepted Paper:
Town is my place
Fernando Pereira
(ESEI Maria Ulrich / Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Paper short abstract:
The Kindergarten and elementary school teachers of basic education training has been developing a pedagogy of urban living that has challenged the construction of a theoretical and practical learning programs, which we intend to discuss in this paper.
Paper long abstract:
The city is a land of children, one of the foundations of their identity, but constitutes a more opaque, anonymous and higher risk. In view of the fireworks in the city, children are locked in rooms, introduce them to practices and attitudes of anxiety on the rare street activities, pedagogy refuge in parks or take them for walks distant and overwhelming. This ignores the neighbors and places, landscapes and the corner stores, institutional resources and the memories and the life that abounds all over the place. The preparation of Kindergarten and elementary school teachers of basic education to children has been developing a pedagogy of urban living that has challenged the construction of a theoretical and practical learning programs, which we intend to discuss in this paper.
Performing neighbourhood
Session 1