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Accepted Paper:
Paper short abstract:
Youth is experiencing and using the environment from its own sub cultural point of view which differs from adult scenery. But How the Finnish youth living in suburban areas is making alternative and informal uses of everyday space in its home environment?
Paper long abstract:
Young people spending time and gathering as a group in public spaces are sometimes seen as a negative element in environment. For instance in Pori, there has been writings in the local newspaper that elder people are afraid of young people grouping in front of shopping center and some other public spaces. The main problem is based on the fact that local youth is experiencing and using the environment from its own sub cultural point of view which differs from adult scenery.
But, how in fact, the Finnish youth living in suburban areas is making alternative and informal uses of everyday space in its home environment. The case is local but the uses of environment are very general. The young people are choosing the best places for hiding from control and at the same time experiencing the environment with whole body: seeking shelter from cold weather or finding the sunniest place of the area, and also making signals to those places by marking and renaming them. And the actions are done in those places in spite of what purpose the places and its structures were originally planned to serve.
Research material for the study has been collected by interviewing young people during the special field workshops.
The research is part of the research project Suburban Pori/University of Turku, Finland.
Performing neighbourhood
Session 1