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Care Innovation and New Modes of Citizenship 
Daniel Lopez Gomez (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Jeannette Pols (University of Amsterdam)
Henriette Langstrup (University of Copenhagen)
Juan C. Aceros (Universidad Industrial de Santander)
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Thursday 1 September, -, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Madrid

Short Abstract:

Following the conference theme Science & technology by other means: Exploring collectives, spaces and futures, this track invites presentations (in traditional as well as other formats) that present work on practices of participation and emergent modes of citizenship associated with care innovation.

Long Abstract:

Currently, there is a strong focus on participation of patients and citizens in and through technological innovation. Particularly when it comes to care provision, many different types of engagement, formal and informal, have emerged. These include individual patient participation in treatment and care by using technology (e.g. e-health), as well as numerous methods for patient/citizen participation in care innovation (e.g. citizen panels, participatory design, and organizational work).

These different modes of engagement have in common that they: 1) constitute the so-called 'participatory society' (or, 'participatory healthcare'); and 2) often are ascribed democratic values alongside more pragmatic values such as efficiency and efficacy. Yet, the different modes of engagement in care innovation incorporate very different democratic normativities with their own affordances and implications. These relate to issues such as: inequality, representation, welfare state dismantling, commercialization, continuity vs. dynamics in care, etc. Ultimately, different strategies for and modes of engagement in care innovation may bring about new modes of citizenship, e.g. in terms of reshaping the relationship between individual and collective action and between rights and responsibilities.

In this track, we will explore and conceptualize different modes of engagement in care innovation, focusing on the overall question: How is citizenship 'innovated' alongside care - in different (healthcare) contexts and participatory practices? Relevant sub-questions include:

• How is 'the active' or 'good citizen' shaped in different care innovation contexts?

• How do different actors render participation meaningful?

• What can different contexts learn from each other in terms of facilitating meaningful participation and innovation in care?

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Thursday 1 September, 2016, -