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Tactics as ethnographic and conceptual objects [Network of Ethnographic Theory] 
Theodoros Kyriakides (University of Cyprus)
Patrick Laviolette (FF, MUNI, Masaryk Univ.)
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Klavs Sedlenieks (Riga Stradins University)
Start time:
23 July, 2016 at
Time zone: Europe/Rome
Session slots:

Short Abstract:

This panel explores tactics of alliance, relationality and visibility/invisibility through collective or individual perspectives. Contributions should consider the notion of tactics in conversation with anthropology's conceptual wealth - both classic themes and more recent theoretical developments.

Long Abstract:

The global rise of social movements and grassroots communities suggests there is fertile ground in both ethnographically as well as theoretically examining the tactics by which such collectives gain political leverage and situate themselves in the becoming of their issues. This panel shall follow Roy Wagner's 'Coyote Anthropology' (Nebraska, 2010) in further engaging in the exploration of a subjectivity which is "aware of itself": Such an ethnographic and theoretical examination of tactics can illuminate the practices by which individuals understand, navigate, orientate and actively construct and re-create their subjectivities in the world. Traditionally associated with cunningness and deceit, a contemporary perspective can potentially reclaim the notion of tactics in the name of political connection and the urgency of alliance. At the same time, such a perspective might unveil that tactical thinking is not always looking for connection, but also disconnection from previous relations and associations. The panel invites contributions exploring tactics of alliance, relationality, visibility and invisibility on a collective and individual level. We especially welcome contributions which put the notion of tactics in conversation with anthropology's conceptual wealth -- classic concepts of witchcraft, the trickster, taboo, hospitality, bricolage, mana and gifting, as well as with more recent theoretical developments such as ontology, multi-species/post-human anthropology and the Anthropocene. We encourage submissions from various field sites and theoretical perspectives. This includes but is not restricted to tactical explorations of ethics, value, kinship, medical anthropology and STS.

Accepted papers:

Session 1