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Accepted Paper:

How microfinance institutions in developing countries can adapt to the challenges of the pandemic and the increasing role of technology in the process.  
Young Kafwembe (Copperbelt University)

Paper short abstract:

A study showing how microfinance instiutions in Zambia's Copperbelt region responded to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Paper long abstract:

This study examined how MFIs in Zambia’s Copperbelt region responded to the effects the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected through key informant interviews with seven MFI professionals. The results showed that the pandemic presented both challenges and opportunities for MFIs. The pandemic disrupted services delivery, including cash transactions and financial literacy sessions. MFIs responded by transitioning to digital services, imposing lending restrictions, and rationing loan amounts for certain types of businesses. The findings of this study contribute to our understanding of how MFIs in developing countries can adapt to the challenges of the pandemic and continue to serve their communities.

Panel P14
Microfinance institutions during and after the pandemic: Assessing their support and the ensuing social and economic impact on programme beneficiaries
  Session 2 Thursday 29 June, 2023, -