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Accepted Paper:

has pdf download Challenges of sustainable agricultural development post-ISIS liberation in Nineveh plain, Iraq  
Shawkat M'Sadeq (College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Duhok, Duhok, Iraq) Nabaz Mohammed (University of Duhok) Amanda Dickson (Purdue University) Mark Russell (Purdue University) Nashwan Mizzouri Peter Hirst (Purdue University) Hojeen Abdullah Fathi Omer (University of Duhok)

Paper short abstract:

The USAID funded Support to Traditional Cultural Practices in Northern Iraq project is studying the challenges of the agricultural and food sector . This project covers field crops, animal production and extension systems important to the ethnic and religious minorities in the Nineveh plains .

Paper long abstract:

The objective is to study the challenges of the agricultural sector including field crops, animal production and extension in the Nineveh plains region after ISIS liberation. Nineveh plain is considered the "breadbasket" of Iraq, and it is one of the most fertile plains in the country. In 2014, the Nineveh Plain territory was overtaken by the Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS). Close to one million people are estimated to have fled their homes, and at least 20,000 commercial and government buildings, including schools, animal projects and training institutions, were destroyed. To achieve sustainable agriculture development the ideal use of natural, capital, human and technical resources are necessary. Through a cultural lens, strategies to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and management of agricultural development are being explored. The overall objective of the study is assessing the livelihood of agricultural sub-sectors of rural communities, highlighting farmer needs for restoring agriculture, and proposing culturally relevant interventions and solutions. This project strategically selected the districts of Al-Hamdaniya, Tall Kayf, and Bashiqa to conduct interviews and needs assessments. Revolution in the agricultural sector can make it an engine of economic development. Post-conflict, agricultural expansion and improved productivity may be achieved by focusing on agricultural promotion which include improving the skills of farmers, the investment environment, irrigation, availability of data and information, and minimizing price distortions.

Panel P58
Creating Agency through Agricultural Development: Building Human and Institutional Capacity to Empower Participatory Solutions for Food Sovereignty
  Session 3 Thursday 29 June, 2023, -