Mouse-over or click on a participant name to learn more about them, their role and to contact them. Use the drop-down from the Participant button above to filter the participant list by role.
First Name Last Name Institution Roles []
Sohela Nazneen (Institute of Development Studiesies, University of Sussex) Panel Chair in P28a Panel Chair in P28b   Messenger
Fiona Nunan (University of Birmingham) Panel Chair in P36a Panel Chair in P36c Panel Chair in P36b   Messenger
David Hulme (University of Manchester) Panel Chair in P12   Messenger
Giulia Mascagni (IDS) Panel Chair in P42   Messenger
Joanna Chataway (UCL) Panel Chair in P39   Messenger
Mariam Seedat Khan (University of KwaZulu Natal) Panel Chair in P24a Panel Chair in P24b   Messenger