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Accepted Paper:

Servant Leadership a Means to Good Governance in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) Countries  
Temiloluwa Ajibade (Dominican University Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria)

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Paper short abstract:

Servant leaders have the mind to serve first and lead their followers to serve. In most countries of the sub Saharan Africa, transparency, accountability and good governance have become a major clamor. To achieve the goal of good governance, leaders must embrace the act of servant leadership.

Paper long abstract:

Servant leadership is a leadership concept that deals with the act of a leader serving his followers. Servant leaders have the mind to serve first and lead their followers in the act of services. In most countries of the sub-Saharan Africa Leadership transparency and accountability and good governance have become a major clamor. Records have shown that corruption is high in Sub-Saharan African region. Corruption is a major impediment to governance, it fuels bad governance, erodes public confidence, undermines public service. In a democracy, leaders gets its power from the mandate of the people via election to represent their interest. It is therefore expedient for these set of leaders in every capacity to have a mind of servant leadership.

This study aims to emphasis the need for people places of authority and leadership to embrace the act of servant-leadership in order to enhance good governance in the society. The study opines that in order to achieve the goal of good governance, leaders must be oriented to embrace the act of servant leadership. Leadership should be born out of understanding of the needs of those who would be affected by it. only servant leaders have made the difference in the lives of their people and advanced their governments over time through vigorous and sacrificial pursuit of positive change with great respect for acceptable societal values.The government must be service oriented and promote effective delivery of public services so as to enhance improving the standard of living of the citizens.

Panel P25
Leadership (in)capacity and development: investigating the impact of leadership-training programmes on building capacities in developing and transition countries
  Session 1 Friday 19 June, 2020, -