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Faith Leadership for Global Challenges 
Emma Tomalin (University of Leeds)
Jennifer Philippa Eggert (National Centre for Social Research (NatCen))
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Papers Mixed
Third sector leaders
Wednesday 17 June, -, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

Faith leaders visible in development typically represent institutionalized religion and are mostly male. Invisible, but crucial in addressing global challenges, are local faith leaders, often excluded from formal leadership. This panel explores the breadth of faith leadership for global challenges.

Long Abstract:

The importance of faith communities in addressing global development challenges has now been well acknowledged. However, different types of leaders of faith communities are evident across the development, humanitarian and peacebuilding nexus in the Global South. The faith actors who are visible and connected to international networks are typically representatives of institutionalized religion and mostly male. These visible faith leaders often do not represent the communities on the ground or may only be included in global discussions as a result of political affiliation. More important but less visible are local faith leaders who provide crucial moral and practical leadership, and psycho-social and other support to vulnerable communities. These local faith leaders are often also 'a-typical' when compared to the global model of faith leadership, and include groups and individuals marginalized from formal leadership due to their sex, caste, ethnicity or sexual orientation, or their traditional or indigenous identity.

This panel invites papers that explore the breadth of faith leadership for global challenges. What forms of religious leadership are emerging at global, regional and local levels to address critical issues such as climate emergency, gender and identity-based inequalities, poverty, violence and ill health? How are traditional forms of religious leadership being contested and resisted, and what new forms of leadership are coming into being? How can global and local religious leaders, in all their diversity, better work together to address the challenges facing their communities? How do religious leaders currently excluded from global discussions ensure meaningful engagement and diverse participation?

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Wednesday 17 June, 2020, -