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Co-producing Knowledge: Promoting Inclusion and Symmetry in Research 
Jonathan Ngeh (University of Cologne)
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Simone Pfeifer (University of Cologne)
Open for transfers

Short Abstract:

The proposed roundtable aims to initiate dialogue and foster conversation on perspectives and practices that promote inclusion and symmetry among all actors involved in research processes.

Long Abstract:

The proposed roundtable, "co-producing knowledge," aims to initiate dialogue and foster conversation on perspectives and practices that promote inclusion and symmetry among all actors involved in research processes. These research actors include, but are not limited to, researchers, co-researchers, collaborators, and other participants (including non-human actors) involved in knowledge production. The roundtable's point of departure is that knowledge production is entangled in power dynamics, making research a significant site of struggle between competing interests and different ways of knowing, often grounded in specific experiences. As such, co-producing knowledge challenges traditional top-down research models and the dominance of any particular form of knowing. Moreover, the co-production of knowledge aligns with the commoning imperative of mutual care to address planetary crises, a key theme of the 2025 DGSKA conference. For example, creating parity in research collaboration can generate inclusive and comprehensive insights for tackling interconnected global issues such as climate change, the threat of nuclear war, and public health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The roundtable will address key questions, including how to integrate and enhance inclusive methodological and conceptual frameworks in research from design to publication, address practical and epistemological concerns in research, and explore ways to strengthen an inter- and transdisciplinary approach to joint knowledge production.

Accepted contributions:

Session 1