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Accepted Paper:

Inquisition and slavery in Angola: Cambambe - XVIII century  
Fabiana Schleumer (Universidade Federal de São Paulo)

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Paper short abstract:

The purpose of this communication is to analyze the role of the Inquisition in Angola and its relation to Slavery in the second half of the 18th century in Cambambe. The text reconstructs the trajectory of Francisco Rodrigues de Azevedo accused by the Inquisition of Lisbon for "Magical Arts".

Paper long abstract:

The purpose of this communication is to analyze the role of the Inquisition in Angola and its relation to Slavery in the second half of the 18th century in Cambambe. For this purpose, the text reconstructs the trajectory of Francisco Rodrigues de Azevedo, a resident of Cambambe prison, who was accused by the Inquisition of Lisbon for the crime of "Magical Arts ". The defendant was accused of hiring the services of João Fernandes Zanba, a "black sorcerer", a resident of Quissama province, to kill the former captain Mor Julião da Nóbrega. At the end of the process, Francisco Rodrigues de Azevedo was convicted, led to jail and had his assets seized.

Through the analysis of inquisitorial sources and documents of an administrative and ecclesiastical nature, in the light of the Microhistory, this communication analyzes the process of creolization that took place in Cambambe, at the individual and institutional level, underlining the characteristics of the work of the Santo Oficio Court of Lisbon in the Hinterland of Angola in the second half of the 18th century.

Panel P10
From slavery to freedom: experiences in Africa
  Session 1 Thursday 18 July, 2019, -