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Accepted Paper:

has pdf download The Level of Integration in Central Asia and Azerbaijan  
Elmir Mukhtarov (

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Paper short abstract:

Paper long abstract:

The question of integrating into regional and global organizations/blocs is a pressing one for the countries of Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus. For that reason, I have analyzed the current integration level of these countries. The paper utilizes 11 economic, social and political indicators which later have been used to developed 5 indexes in order to measure the overall level of integration of six countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The results have implied that these countries are not integrated to the global economy in significant levels. Among them, the most integrated states are Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan whilst Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan take the last two places.

On the other hand, further analysis has shown that all of these countries, even the isolated Turkmenistan, still possess strong economic and political ties to the Russian Federation.

Panel ECO-02
Dynamics in the Eurasian Economic Union
  Session 1 Friday 11 October, 2019, -