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Accepted Paper:

Current State And Development Prospects Of Deposit Market In The Kyrgyz Republic And The Republic Of Kazakhstan  
Mairamkul Toktobekova (Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic)

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Paper long abstract:

The paper analyzes the current situation on the deposit market of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan and shows that it refl ects the essence of the fi nancial intermediation of functional participants of the credit market. By attracting disposable fi - nancial resources of individuals and legal persons in the form of deposits, commercial banks assume new obligations but at the same time put forward new requirements to borrowers. The problem is that fi nancial intermediaries should take into account not only correlation between the quantitative nature of their deposit base and their investment in the loan portfolios of clients but also the best correlation between the nature of profi table assets and the specifi c nature of raised funds.

Panel ECO-02
Dynamics in the Eurasian Economic Union
  Session 1 Friday 11 October, 2019, -