Paper long abstract:
The main aspects of this research deal with the interrelation between quality of education and employability of graduates, interconnection between the gender discrimination and restricted employment opportunities of women.
The paper argues that the quality of higher education and training of highly qualified and employable specialists are the important prerequisites of sustainable social and economic development of society. Nowadays higher education institutions must provide high quality student centered learning and permanent adaptation of study programs and teaching methods to diverse expectations of labor market. Employers manage the labor market. It is necessary to strength University-Business-Government network and involve employers in the design and evaluation of study programs.
The paper includes survey of 1.342 Kazakh Ablai Khan University graduates of 2017 in terms of employability:
- to explore whether the University trains employable graduates?
- to examine whether gender discrimination affects the employment opportunities of graduates?
- to explore how employability and educational quality can be changed through the human capital development and modernization of curriculum?
- to analyze University partnerships with employers.