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Accepted Paper:

"Science of the earth": indigenous educational models in Brazil  
Paulo Maia Figueiredo (Federal University of Minas Gerais) Siwê Alves Braz (UFMG) Roberto Romero (UFRJ)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper presents part of the results achieved by the project "Capturing new education models among indigenous and quilombola minorities in Brazil" from the research experience with the Muã Mimãtxi indigenous school / community in times of pandemic.

Paper long abstract:

Muã Mimãtxi is an indigenous village (MG/Brazil), where the Pataxoop live, a group of about 40 people, in a territory of approximately 145 hectares. In Muã Mimãtxi, families say they have found a variety of plant-relatives and animal-relatives that they have not seen since leaving the village of Barra Velha (BA) in the 1980s. Today, Muã Mimãtxi is a school-community, that is, “a project for the future”, a community dreamed up and built by the couple of teachers Kanatyo and Liça alongside their family and collaborators.

Experience teaches that starting any project in an indigenous village requires presence and coexistence as basic requirements. It is in these initial meetings that the minimum pacts are established for the development of a successful project, based on mutual knowledge, in long work, in the recognition of a territory and collective meals, create relationships of trust and acceptance. This is how, the activities of the project "Capturing new education models among indigenous and quilombola minorities in Brazil" were planned, through successive visits to participating communities. With the start of the pandemic, all this initial planning had to be adapted to the new times.

We intend to present part of the results achieved in that project. Muã Mimãtxi teaches us pedagogies fully attuned to the challenges imposed by the current ecological collapse, consisting of a school-community experience “to postpone the end of the world”, to evoke the words of A. Krenak.We will to present the outlines of a "science of the earth" from Muã Mimãtxi.

Panel Evid05a
Minorities, researchers and their relations: co-producing knowledge practices and ethics in collaborative settings
  Session 1 Monday 29 March, 2021, -