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Being healthy (or not) together: wellbeing as a form of cultural belonging II 
Eleni Kotsira (Alma Economics)
Maya Fischer (Aberdeen University)
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Nigel Rapport (St. Andrews University)
Health, Disease and Wellbeing
Friday 2 April, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

How can we measure wellbeing? Is it something that is individually constructed or is it made in relation to others? This panel will explore the construction of health and wellbeing through both embodied practices and collective experiences of belonging.

Long Abstract:

This panel will explore how the subjective experiences of health, wellbeing, and disease are constructed through habitual embodied practices, in response to natural disasters, and through collective construction of the sense of belonging within a wider identity group. We are interested in ethnographic examples looking into how communities negotiate binary terms such as health and disease, life and death, and how this is an ongoing process shaped by particular social, cultural and natural phenomena which may challenge a community's known routine. This panel welcomes papers that engage with contexts in which health and disease are critical to experiences of cultural belonging, but also to personal wellbeing, including the wellbeing of the researcher in the field. Do people understand wellbeing in the same way in different environments, physically, socially, economically, and culturally? And how can some personal experiences come to define the collective dimension within which communities emerge, and vice versa?

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Friday 2 April, 2021, -
Panel Video visible to paid-up delegates