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Imagining environmental futures: climate change, hope and despair 
Randi Irwin (University of Newcastle, Australia)
Hedda Haugen Askland (University of Newcastle)
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Life on Earth
Friday 25 November, -
Time zone: Australia/Melbourne

Short Abstract:

This panel turns to the tension between the contemporary moment and anticipated futures in order to examine how it informs planning, preparation, and activism that seeks to embrace or alter the anticipated trajectory of climate change and environmental destruction.

Long Abstract:

Manifestations of climate change, including bushfires, floods, hotter days, and rising sea levels, are markings of our changing world. Such manifestations—the effects of climate change—are not projections into a far-away future but parts of a reality that shape the politics and lived experiences of the present. Lived experiences of climate change and associated environmental destruction inform how communities anticipate the scope of future changes to land, economies, and communities. This panel turns to the tension between the contemporary moment and anticipated futures and examines how various stakeholders seek to embrace or alter the anticipated trajectory of climate change and environmental destruction through environmental planning, preparation, and activism. We are particularly interested papers that explore the ways in which contemporary experiences of climate change and environmental destruction shape community activism that seeks to make a different - less destructive - future possible. What does this activism look like? What futures are envisaged? What are the political possibilities that coincide with the anticipatory nature of climactic despair or hope? How do expectations or experiences of displacement figure into the ways in which community and place are understood in the interstices of the present and future? How do anticipated climate futures shape the concept of livability in the present?

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Friday 25 November, 2022, -