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Reconfigurations in Africa - and in African Studies
30 September - 02 October 2024, Bayreuth

VAD2024 Call for Papers

The VAD2024 Call for Papers is now closed

The VAD2024 Call for Papers is now closed and panel convenors will be reviewing the proposals.

All the proposing authors will be notified of the results on 13 February.


  • All panels must be proposed via the online form
  • An individual cannot present more than one paper
  • It is permitted to be a non-presenting co-author on multiple papers
  • Every person can have each conference role once:
    • you can be a convenor to one panel,
    • be a discussant once,
    • a chair once and
    • a presenter once

While everyone can technically submit multiple papers, we do not encourage that, as it can cause delays in the conference timeline - all multiples will have to be withdrawn.

Below the 'Propose a paper' button on each panel page there is a statement as to how many papers have been proposed to that panel to-date, something that may aid in deciding in which panel a paper may have a better chance of acceptance. Obviously that's not guaranteed, but it's worth taking a look at these statements and working the odds

Proposing a paper

Paper proposals must consist of:

  • a paper title
  • the name/s and email address/es of author/s
  • a short abstract of fewer than 300 characters
  • a long abstract of fewer than 250 words

All proposals must be made via the online form, not by email. There is a 'propose a paper' link beneath the long abstract of each panel page. Go to the panel page you are interested in and then click on this proposal link to make your proposal directly to that panel.

Make sure that you have read throught the rules and additional information before proposing you paper.

On submission of the proposal, the proposing author (but not the co-authors) will receive an automated email confirming receipt. If you do not receive this email, please first check the conference system (‘Login’ button, see toolbar above right) to see if your proposal is there. If it is, it simply means your confirmation email got spammed/lost; if it is not, you will need to re-submit, as for some reason the process was not completed. Co-authors cannot be added/removed nor can papers be withdrawn by the proposers themselves – for that, please email vad(at)

Proposals will be marked as pending until the end of the Call for Papers (31 January 2024). Convenors will then be asked to make their decisions over the papers proposed to their panel by 12 February 2024 and to communicate those to the proposers, marking them up in the conference system (via ‘Login’ on the conference website).


DFG, the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) is supporting the international scholars accommodation and travel costs. We will be opening a Call for Funding once the Call for Paper has been closed and papers for panels have been selected - end of February, beginning of March. The call will be advertised to accepted authors and convenors.

Please be aware that DFG provides reimbursement for already occurred costs, based on invoices. Criteria for application will be published shortly before the Call for Funding opens.

We do recommend to look for additional funding as DFG can provide only limited funding and we are unable to offer additional support to cover conference fees or other expenses.

Transfer process

Papers which are neither accepted nor rejected, but marked for 'transfer', will be given the opportunity to be re-housed into other panels. The conference organisers will contact the authors of the proposals set to transfer and ask them to modify their abstracts to fit another panel of their choosing.

The authors will then inform us of two panels they would like to apply to (in order of preference). We then forward the title, short and long abstracts to the convenors and ask them to consider the proposal. If the first panel rejects the proposal, we contact the second choice. Transfers which get rejected by both panels will then be set to 'rejected'.

Useful information for later in this process

Editing your paper

Paper authors can login at the conference website (‘login’ button in the left-hand upper side) to edit their proposals

Pre-circulation of papers

VAD has no rule about this; however, many convenors are keen to pre-circulate completed papers. To facilitate this and save on email traffic, if requested by convenors, authors can upload PDFs of their papers within the online system, which will then show as a downloadable file beneath their abstract on the public panel page on this site.

Timing of presentations

Each panel/workshop session slot will be 90 minutes long, typically accommodating a maximum of 4 presenters. That leaves about 20 min per presentation (10-15 presentation +10-5 min for questions). It is up to panel conveners to (discuss and) decide the timing of presentations in panel to make sure all presenters have equal opportunity to present their research.

Communication between authors/convenors

Convenor/author email addresses are not shown on the panel pages for anti-spam reasons. However, there is an in-built secure email messaging system. If you cannot work that, please email vad(at) to obtain relevant email addresses.

Any queries with the above please email

Institut für Afrikastudien
Cluster of Excellence
University of Bayreuth
African Studies Library
Rainer W. Markgraf
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/DFG