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Environmental biography as a methodological challenge 
Maarit Leskelä-Kärki (University of Turku)
David Hsiung (Juniata College)
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Expanding the Practice of Environmental History
Room 19
Monday 19 August, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Helsinki
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Short Abstract:

This panel investigates the multidisciplinary field of environmental biography as a way to study the relationship between environment and humans from the perspectives of environmental humanities, history, and life writing studies.

Long Abstract:

This panel investigates the multidisciplinary field of environmental biography, or like Jessica White (in “From the Miniature to the Momentous: Writing Lives through Ecobiography.” a/b: Auto/Biography Studies. Volume 35, 2020 – Issue 1: Life Writing in the Anthropocene. 2020) put it: ecobiographies. What is environmental or ecobiography? How do we understand environment, and the interaction between human and nature in biographical life-narratives? What sources can we use in writing biographies from environmental perspectives?

The panel seeks for inspiring contributions discussing the possibilities and challenges of writing environmental biographies from different time periods and geographical areas. Biographical approach can concern an individual, but also couple and group biographies as well as prosopographies are possible perspectives. We encourage papers that discuss methodological and ethical challenges of doing biography from an environmental perspective particularly in the overlapping fields of environmental humanities, history, and life writing studies.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Monday 19 August, 2024, -
Session 2 Monday 19 August, 2024, -