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has 1 film 1
Environmental conflicts and socio-ecological transitions 
David Soto Fernández (CISPAC, Santiago de Compostela University)
Admire Mseba (University of Southern California)
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Navigating Conflict, Governance, and Activism
Linnanmaa Campus, SÄ112
Monday 19 August, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Helsinki

Short Abstract:

This session aims to reflect on the relationships between social conflicts and socio-ecological transitions, exploring the connections between different expressions of social conflict, such as class, gender or environment.

Long Abstract:

The role of social conflicts in the dynamics of socio-environmental change has been a recurrent topic in environmental history. Not only has it been important for empirical research, but it has also been part of debates relevant to Political Ecology and other related disciplines: the debate about the environmentalism of the poor and postmaterialism, or the conflicts linked to conservation policies. But there has been a in recent years a decline in global interest on this topic (e.g., at the last World Environmental History Congress) even though literature is still large, especially in the global south. The objective of this panel is to foster a debate based on contributions that, from the geographical diversity, discuss the role that social conflict has played in socio-ecological transitions since the eighteenth century. This covers a multiplicity of topics but articulated in two essential questions. The first is how has social conflict influenced socio-metabolic transitions? For example, accelerating or delaying the shift towards a new metabolic regime. This includes not only responses to the advancing of the Anthropocene, but also conflicts with different models of sustainability, e.g., between conservation projects and indigenous and peasant populations. The second question aims to reflect on the impact of socio-ecological transitions on the dynamics of social conflict and its diverse manifestations (class, gender, environment). How can qualitative and quantitative changes in the organization of social metabolism (e.g., global crises) influence the relationship between class, gender, or environmental conflicts?

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Monday 19 August, 2024, -
Session 2 Monday 19 August, 2024, -
Panel Video visible to paid-up delegates