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has 4 films
- Chair:
Nadine Grimm
(University of Rochester)
- Sessions:
- Monday 7 June, -
Time zone: Europe/Amsterdam
Morphology 2.
Session P06 at conference W10CAL: 10th World Congress of African Linguistics.
Accepted papers:
Session 1 Monday 7 June, 2021, -
The Stem in Moroccan Arabic
Nisrine Kandil
(Mohammed V University Faculty of Letters and Humanities - Rabat)
Paper short abstract:
Moroccan Arabic, morphology, stem, lexical derivation, verbal morphology
La réduplication en Ewondo.
Diandra Sleene Mendouga Owona
(Université de Yaoundé 1)
Paper short abstract:
Réduplication, Sous-spécification, Contraintes
A morphological analysis of verb pluralization in Tal
Michael Bulkaam
Paper short abstract:
language, Oral-presentation morphology,
Form and meaning in Havu deverbal nominalizations
Nadine Grimm
(University of Rochester)
Scott Grimm
(University of Rochester)
Paper short abstract:
nominalization, Bantu, morphology, semantics