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has 3 films 3
Associated motion in African languages 2 
Roland Kießling (University of Hamburg)
Bastian Persohn (FSU Jena)
Daniel Ross (University of Illinois at Urbana-champaign)
Monday 7 June, -
Time zone: Europe/Amsterdam

Short Abstract:

Associated motion (AM) markers indicate translational movement related to the action of a (typically non-motion) verb. African languages are particularly important for understanding the typology of AM because in contrast to other regions such as Australia and South America, their systems tend to be paradigmatically less complex, yet there is a higher frequency of markers for subsequent motion, including non-subject motion. Furthermore, AM markers in African languages are frequently multi-functional, for example overlapping with directional or locational deixis. Despite recent advances in the study of AM systems in individual languages as well as in fleshing out typological generalisations on AM as a grammatical category, detailed descriptions of individual AM systems in African languages remain rare. This workshop will address synchronic description, historical reconstruction and typology of AM systems, the relationship between multi-verb or other syntactic constructions and AM morphology, functional overlap with other categories, and discourse functions of AM systems.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Monday 7 June, 2021, -