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Living and theorizing racial subjectivities in psychological anthropology 
Katie Rose Hejtmanek (Brooklyn College, CUNY)
Sonya Pritzker (University of Alabama)
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Start time:
8 April, 2021 at
Time zone: America/Chicago
Session slots:

Short Abstract:

During this roundtable, we will discuss a series of questions and considerations related to racial subjectivities as well as the decolonization of psychological anthropology.

Long Abstract:

During this roundtable, we will discuss a series of questions and considerations related to racial subjectivities as well as the decolonization of psychological anthropology, including: how does psychological anthropology’s overall lack of engagement with the historical, affective, and sociocultural process of racialization reproduce racialized hierarchies within the subfield? How does this reproduction contribute to the perpetuation of systemic inequalities that undermine the work of scholars in the subfield who do center racial experiences and racialization in their work? What is needed now in order to transform the field?

Contributions from: James Akpan, Stephanie Keeney Parks, Stephanie McClure, Asher Goldstein, Katie Rose Hejtmanek and Sonya Pritzker.