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Coastal (re)entanglements: unwritten remembrances and assemblages in verbal and visual arts and their performance 
Kristinn Schram (University of Iceland)
Tiber Falzett (University College Dublin)
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Short Abstract:

Exploring verbal and visual art, performance and archival material this panel seeks to broaden notions of cultural relations into more-than-human spaces. With a focus on islands, coasts and littoral areas, it delves into how human and non-human entanglements are expressed within lived experience.

Long Abstract:

Exploring verbal and visual art, performance and archival material this panel seeks to broaden notions of cultural relations into more-than-human spaces. With a focus on islands, coasts and littoral areas, it delves into how human and non-human entanglements are expressed, sensed, and reimagined within the cyclical ebbs and flows of lived experience. Special emphasis will be placed on the power of such narrative to challenge and reckon with the complex and dynamic relationships with perceived others in the midst of immediate and existential environmental, and socio-cultural threats. In the archival context, e.g. the salvaged ethnographic datasets extracted all too often from communities facing such crises, we also invite questions on how future community-driven engagements may be envisioned that empower new ethical modes of documentation, representation and renewal through such lived systems of traditional ecological knowledge. Through recentering our focus from false binaries toward these tangles of relationships, or naturecultures, found within the contact points of land- and seascapes, might we open potentialities and uncertainties whether by way of the banality of everyday or extraordinary lived circumstances? Could we discern the dynamics of how we engage with and are engaged by more-than-human personae at these shifting boundaries? What insights might be gained into how such shared experiences inform how the supernatural relates to the natural at the emic nexus of personal experience narrative, folklife and belief?

Accepted papers:

Session 1
Session 2