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Old archives + new methods? Possibilities to unwrite the archival issues using large digital corpora [WG: Archives] 
Liina Saarlo (Estonian Literary Museum)
Kati Kallio (Finnish Literature Society)
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Kati Kallio (Finnish Literature Society)
Liina Saarlo (Estonian Literary Museum)
Open for transfers

Short Abstract:

With the digitisation of archives, there are new possibilities for their research, valuing, and conceptualisation. What kind of archival issues could we resolve with the help of digital methods? Do digital possibilities give any new solutions for old problems or should we ask new questions?

Long Abstract:

There are a number of folklore archives in Europe that can be proud of giant collections of texts as well as melodies and audio-visual materials that have been identity-creating in their importance. With the digitisation of large archives, there are new possibilities for their research, valuing, and conceptualisation. We have new corpora and constantly renewing methods to study them. But what questions do we ask when completely new worlds open in front of us?

Can some old questions be asked again, and finally completely resolved? Or can we get just verified proofs and/or denials to the old, gut-felt hypotheses? Do any old questions get a new meaning or lose their importance instead?

We invite researchers of archives to think about the archival issues we could resolve with the help of new corpora and digital methods. Presentations of cases of all kinds from the field are welcomed, using different digital-humanitarian methods and intelligence of various origin for new and interesting solutions of old exciting problems - and perhaps finding new ones to discuss about.

We call for the presentations unwriting the issues of authenticities: the provenance of archived materials, relationships between literary sources and recordings of oral traditions.

We call for the re-assessments of inspiring impulses of oral traditions to authorial compositions and vice versa, influence of significant written/authorial works (like eposes, soap-operas or mangas) on identity/essence of oral traditions.

And finally, we call for the deconstructions of the collaborative and inspirational networks of folklore collectors and other contributors of archives.

Accepted papers:

Session 1
Session 2
Session 3