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Unwriting ageism through participatory approaches to research, policy-making and practice intervention designs 
Lubica Volanska (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Heidi Kaspar (Bern University of Applied Sciences)
Anamaria Depner (Goethe University Frankfurt)
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Heidi Kaspar (Bern University of Applied Sciences)
Anamaria Depner (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Lubica Volanska (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Anna Urbaniak (Jagiellonian University)
Anna Wanka (Goethe University Frankfut)
Open for transfers

Short Abstract:

The panel explores innovative participatory methods that engage older adults as equal collaborators in research, policy, and practice designs. We welcome case studies, methodological insights, and theoretical reflections showing how participatory practices can rewrite conventional power dynamics.

Long Abstract:

This panel explores innovative participatory methods that engage older adults as equal collaborators, including those at risk of social exclusion. The discussion will draw from ongoing work in the PAAR-Net COST Action (Participatory Approaches with Older Adults), which aims to promote inclusive social innovation by centring on older adults' voices and lived experiences in the research processes, policy and practice intervention designs. We welcome case studies, methodological insights, and theoretical reflections on how participatory practices can rewrite conventional power dynamics, challenging hierarchical structures and embracing co-creation with older adults.

Concrete examples of 'unwriting' in participatory research with older adults include:

- Ageing Narratives – challenging ageism; presenting alternative stories about ageing, agency, and resilience;

- Ageing and Identity studies – actor-centred insights into how older adults perceive ageing, identity, and social roles; focus on memories and life history;

- Intersection of Ageing and Health from a human-centred perspective;

- Technology and Innovation – digital divides, innovations, ageing in the digital age;

- Community and Place – relationships with environments, rural/urban neighbourhoods, mobility between places, including transnational migration;

- Policy and Advocacy Research – addressing older adults´ needs by those who know best about them; fostering social inclusion and equity;

- Cultural Heritage and Traditions – co-shaping how cultural memory is understood and recorded.

We welcome papers focusing on how to unwrite methodological boundaries and address social exclusion through inclusive research practices. Integrating aspects such as ethical considerations when engaging older adults in knowledge production is desired.

Accepted papers:

Session 1
Session 2