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Emotional museum: capturing affective practices in heritage processes 
Johanna Pohtinen (University of Helsinki)
Inkeri Hakamies (University of Helsinki)
Ana Maria Navas Iannini (Simon Fraser University)
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Short Abstract:

This panel is concerned with how the unwritten and tacit affective practices influence the emotional landscapes of museum experiences and heritage processes, and how socio-political emotional labour and affects are linked to (cultural) policy debates about heritage work.


Museums are often perceived as neutral institutions of knowledge, preservation, and democracy. Beneath their formal structures, however, lies a complex web of unwritten practices, informal routines, and unspoken norms that govern daily operations and intersect with the affects and emotions of both staff and visitors. The emotional resonances experienced by museum visitors and professionals and the ways they are moderated or facilitated, have become increasingly topical in the current polarised political climate.

We are interested in the unwritten elements, emotions, and affective practices that influence the emotional landscapes of museum experiences and heritage processes. These include, for example, the socio-political emotional labour and affects attached to (cultural) political debates, and the role of museums in society. We welcome papers dealing with the question of whose cultural heritage is displayed at museums and what remains “unwritten”. Furthermore, papers in this panel could discuss emotional encounters in museums, the ways visitors feel engaged with heritage, or how acts of care become visible, for instance, in the practices of museum professionals who work with challenging social issues. Methodological discussions may also be initiated: How can we, as researchers by “writing things down”, capture these affects, do justice to them, and express them in our research?

In connection with the panel, we organise a workshop for which we invite participants to send us a picture of a museum object together with a (hi)story connected to it. In the workshop, we will discuss the affects that resonate between people, stories, and the objects.

Accepted contributions:

Session 1
Session 2