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Un-writing through feminist approaches [WG: Feminist Approaches] 
JoAnn Conrad (Diablo Valley College. Univ. of Iceland)
Rozemarijn van de Wal (Dutch Centre for Intangible Heritage)
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Kay Turner (New York University)
Zuzana Terry (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University)
Norma Cantu (Trinity University)
Kelly Fitzgerald (University College Dublin)
Niina Hämäläinen (Kalevala Society)
Rozemarijn van de Wal (Dutch Centre for Intangible Heritage)

Short Abstract:

Gender ideologies permeate all aspects of social life, including disciplinary practices and discourses. This panel invites scholars to engage with feminist approaches as acts of un-writing, and to ask the different questions that emerge from the destabilization of conventional gender paradigms.


Un-writing has long been at the heart of feminist approaches to folklore, ethnology and anthropology. Emerging alongside the feminist movement, feminist approaches have shown how prevailing gender ideologies run through all aspects of social, institutional, legal, and academic life. A dismantling or ‘un-writing’ of these discourses has been one of feminism’s central concerns. What began as a process of adding the voices of those who have been silenced, has grown into a process of uncovering and questioning the unequal power relations that informed those narratives to begin with. These power relations are so common and self-evident that their dismantling requires a radically new perspective. Feminist theory offers a disruptive lens through which to dismantle the hegemonic patriarchal frameworks that permeate our everyday lives. Rather than merely making visible existing power mechanisms, feminist theory also challenges us to take our analyses further and to get at their inner workings and logic. It inspires us to do things differently, to question existing methodologies and theoretical approaches and to un-write disciplinary paradigms. How can feminist approaches help us un-write the narratives of our times? How do feminist approaches inspire us to ask different questions and what could these questions be? And how can we un-write the disciplinary paradigms that continue to marginalize feminist theory? This panel invites scholars to take up such questions, and to understand feminist approaches not just as acts of un-writing, but to reconceptualize the world around us. Panels will focus on theoretical and conceptual aspects. Roundtable on methodological approaches.

Accepted contributions:

Session 1
Session 2