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Into the unknown: uncertainness as the common condition of mobilities [Working Group on Migration and Mobility] 
Ignacio Fradejas-García (University of Oviedo)
Kristín Loftsdóttir (University of Iceland)
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Friday 9 June, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Prague

Short Abstract:

In this panel we explore mobility and uncertainty, asking more specifically: how mobilities are used to deal with uncertain circumstances; how uncertainty can hinder or encourage mobilities; as well as how dealing with uncertainty during mobilities.

Long Abstract:

Mobility uncertainness might be structural or/and provoked by unexpected events. The acceleration of interconnected crisis of identity, environment and economy (Eriksen 2016) produces states of uncertainty that can be aggravated by sudden events. The pandemic radical uncertainties produced ‘shock mobilities,’ reconfiguring mobilities routines (Xiang et al. 2022) and revealing striking differences between essential and existential mobilities (Salazar 2021). Uncertainness is shaped by gender, race, origin, or class, where subaltern and unprivileged people on the move are especially affected. People on the move enter in unknown territories with different socio-cultural rules and legal systems that shape their position within society as gendered, racialized bodies. Some migrants are impacted by political uncertainties in origin while being in precarious situations during movement (Loftsdóttir 2016). Uncertainty also links with agency and power for choosing/forcing go/stay or destination/routes, while concerned with tempo, duration and intensity of mobilities (Amit and Salazar 2020). Disruptions in travels have long been a common characteristic of everyday life (Pooley 2013) and the same argument might be applied to all spatial mobilities: anything can happen on the move. In times of permanent crisis, tolerating and dealing with uncertainty has become a highly valued capacity, and can encourage creativity, resistance and imagination. This panel seeks to illustrate how uncertainty operates on the move and we call for proposals on a broad range of mobilities/immobilities engaging with: How mobilities are used to deal with uncertain circumstances; how uncertainty can hinder or encourage mobilities; as well as how dealing with uncertainty during mobilities.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Friday 9 June, 2023, -
Session 2 Friday 9 June, 2023, -