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(In-)significant stuff. Museums and meaning-making in times of uncertainty [Working Group of Museums and Material Culture] 
Lizette Gradén (Lund University)
Hester Dibbits (Reinwardt Academy for Cultural Heritage)
Stefan Hartmann (Augsburg University)
Uta Karrer (Fränkisches Museum Feuchtwangen)
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Archives, Museums, Material Culture
Saturday 10 June, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Prague

Short Abstract:

This panel focuses on items considered, highlighted, and labeled insignificant, excessive, or unwanted by museums. In times of uncertainty, which items (tangible and intangible) are regarded as such, by whom, when, and in which contexts?

Long Abstract:

This panel focuses on items considered, highlighted, and labeled insignificant, excessive, or unwanted. Which items (tangible and intangible) are regarded as such, by whom, when, and in which contexts? How do museum professionals and ethnologists approach this kind of ‘stuff’ conceptually, practically, and ethically?

Times of uncertainty gives new relevance to these questions. Currently, many museums experience resource scarcity: which objects can and should be preserved in times of rising energy and maintenance costs? Should only objects of worldwide or national importance be kept? Who decides which criteria and toolkits are considered relevant in the evaluation of the relevance of objects? We are interested in large state museums and institutions, smaller regional and community museums, and private efforts.

We investigate how museums deal with their role as repositories for things that have (temporarily) lost their practical use (in everyday life). What are the challenges of museums´ function as institutions deciding on the (often political) question of what is superfluous, ‘waste’ - as institutions deciding on whose legacies are insignificant? What springboards dormant stories or “sleeping objects” in storage into the active life of exhibitions and programs?

We also want to draw attention to how museums deal with objects and practices considered outdated or dangerous. Such practices include preservation methods, toxics, trash, the museum’s “own” technical and framing equipment, and competencies deemed superfluous and needing to be replaced.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Saturday 10 June, 2023, -
Session 2 Saturday 10 June, 2023, -