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Working Group Archives: Now what? Documenting transnational crises I 
Fredrik Nilsson (Åbo Akademi University)
Niklas Huldén (Åbo Akademi University)
Karin Gustavsson (Lund University)
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Archives and Sources
Wednesday 23 June, -
Time zone: Europe/Helsinki

Short Abstract:

We propose a panel that will focus on three themes. What did we learn about documenting crises and fast changes during the pandemic? What has happened since the material was collected? How can we establish transnational cooperation as we document acute crises?

Long Abstract:

As the pandemic hit Europe in the spring of 2020, archives and museums almost immediately began documenting the effects on everyday life. A vast source material was collected that captures changing habits, worries, fears and perhaps even ignorance; the material mirrors surprise and frustration as everyday life all of sudden seemed strange, unrecognizable.

We propose a panel that will focus on three themes. Firstly, what did we learn about documenting crises and rapid changes; what was difficult and what could have been done differently; what methods were used and to what extent were they adjusted to be able to capture different aspects of the crises?

Secondly, we want to discuss what has happened since the material was collected; have there been any follow-ups; in what ways have the material been used and/or made available; will material collected by museums and archives with a weak tie to the universities still make the material available to the researchers?

Thirdly, the pandemic reminded archives and museums that crises of this magnitude are not stopped by national borders, and perhaps documenting crises should not stop at the borders either. How can we establish transnational cooperation as we document acute crises? What rules or traditions do we need to break to be ready to document the next crises?

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Wednesday 23 June, 2021, -