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Reflections on practices, experiences and representations of cultures of various generations and of ageing.

Archives and Museums

The future of archives and museums, traditions of institutional and individual archiving and museum practices, and disciplinary concerns about the use and future of archives and museums.



Body, Affects, Senses, Emotions

Aspects of the body, embodiment, senses and emotional life in the context of cultural practices and lived experience, as well as politics and social movements.


Ethnographic practices of researching (increasingly) virtual lives, with digital technologies.

Disciplinary and methodological discussions:

Keeping track of the current state of affairs in ethnology, folklore, anthropology and related fields, as well as their origins, interconnectedness and future.

Economy and Work

Looks at economic aspects of transformations, global and local economies, industry, tourism, entrepreneurship, work in change and as generators of change.


Explores the congress theme through the prism of environmental changes, landscapes and ecosystems.

Everyday Life

Processes and practices of transformation in everyday situations and routines that make the texture of daily life.


Gender politics and sexualities, including discussions on ethnographic traditions, masculinities, power, body politics, identity politics etc.

Health and Medicine

Reflections on changing conceptualizations of health and transforming medicine worlds, including narratives and practices of healing.


Heritage and the processes and practices of heritagization, including the politics of intangible heritage, material heritage, museums, memory and commemoration, heritage management etc.

Migration and Borders

The challenges and dreams of refugees and minority groups as well as the politics and economics of migration, borders as contested spaces.


Panels that bring together scholars using narratological tools for making sense of transformations, human adjustment and experiences.

Politics and Social Movements

Transformations present in contemporary human activism, social movements, egalitarianism and democratic processes.

Religion and Rituals

Keeping track of rituals, religious practices, spiritualities and social change in various religious contexts


Transformations in country life, issues of traditional knowledge, and the cultural and socio-economic challenges rural areas face in the contemporary world.

Sui Generis

Panels that address the conference theme from thematic angles unique to the panel