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Accepted Paper:
Involvement of society in collecting of Latvian charms: from the past to digital era
Aigars Lielbārdis
(Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia)
Paper is devoted to the collecting history of Latvian Charms providing insight into society involvement in folklore collecting campaigns since the second half of 19th century up to nowadays.
Paper long abstract:
The first collecting campaign of Latvian folklore was accomplished in summer of 1869 by Latvian folklorist Fricis Brīvzemnieks. During his fieldwork, Brīvzemnieks met both teachers and cultural activists, as well as simple folk - farmers, and invited them to gather folklore. As a result, a wide network of collectors of folklore developed, who sent the collected materials - folk songs, legends, riddles and also charms - to F. Brīvzemnieks in Moscow.
The second wide range campaign of society involvement in collecting folklore was organised by the Archives of Latvian Folklore in the 1920's-30's. Schools and students from all over Latvia were involved in collecting of folklore. Most of the stored folklore texts in Archives of Latvian folklore (ALF) are collected in collaboration with schools in this period.
The third attempt to involve society in collecting and sending folklore to the ALF is on the move alongside with development of digital archives and within the frame of the digital catalogue of Latvian charms.